Instagram Handle: @michele_canon_fit


Do you have a product or company you own that you would like us to promote? If so, give us all the deets!

Michele Canon Fitness & Nutrition. Personal training & Nutrition Coaching (online & virtual). My 2020 goal was to develop my own protein powder. Even though 2020 was challenging, one of the positive things that it granted me was some downtime. I used a portion of that time to make one of my dreams a reality.

Why did you want to make your own protein powder?

As a personal trainer and fitness nutritionist that is obsessed with smoothies. I was always on the look out for clean protein powders that I felt comfortable putting in my body and recommending to my clients. Over the years, I have only found a couple of products that I could trust. However, even with those brands, I felt like something was missing. After doing extensive research on protein synthesis and aging, I learned that when we hit our mid-30s we begin to lose muscle and our ability to synthesize protein declines. This is especially concerning for women because as we hit perimenopause our estrogen levels also drop which can lead to higher body fat levels. 

Muscle is the most metabolically efficient tissue in our body. It burns sugar, fat and keeps us mobile. When we lose muscle our metabolism drops and we gain weight over time. The only 2 ways to build and maintain muscle is thru resistance training and by eating adequate amounts of protein. The minimum amount I recommend is 100g per day. Most women aren’t hitting that goal. Incorporating a high quality protein powder into your routine is a convenient way to deliver much needed amino acids to our muscles. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself…......

I am a certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. I am the owner of Michele Canon Fitness & Nutrition which I founded 14 years ago. I also work for a company called Stride, where I teach treadmill inspired fitness classes both online and in studio. 

I am 45. Single mom to a teenage boy. I live in Pasadena, Ca with my son and dog. I was born in Tennessee and grew up in So Cal with my younger 2 sisters. My parents immigrated from Thailand. My dad introduced me to tennis at a young age and that is how I got my start in sports and fitness. I played tennis in college, at UCSD. After college I went on work for a major pharmaceutical company, which taught me many scary things about the industry and I eventually left when I had my son. 

What are the other titles you give yourself besides mom?

Coach, daughter, friend, sister, entrepreneur. 

How many children do you each have? Tell us a little bit about them. 

One. His name is Cider. He is 16 and an amazing athlete and straight A student. He plays baseball, football is an excellent skier and is currently obsessed with cars. He is smart, funny, opinionated and driven. All qualities that I embrace and at the same time challenge me.

Define motherhood in your own words. 

Motherhood is like holding an overstuffed paperbag full of groceries. Inside it fills you up with everything you need, sometimes you hold on too tight and things fall out or the bag breaks and you find yourself on your hands and knees scrambling after it all in despair. But you always grab on to something and even it if is a lone apple, it somehow is just enough to keep you going and hold on to the bag.  

What was the inspiration or moment that inspired you both to start business and IG?

It was when I had a conversation with a fitness influencer’s husband 3 years ago. I told him about my goals and aspirations but lamented on how I needed to write perfect business plan and have everything in place before I started. He convinced me that not everything had to align and be perfect that I just needed to START. Which I did and have never looked back. It started with just one post and evolved from there.

What advice can you give our mom readers? 

Envision yourself in 5 years (what you want to look like, what each day looks like, where you want to live, every detail). Then take one small step each day towards that direction. You are never going to be that person if you don’t start today- right when you wake up in the morning. 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received on motherhood?

Your goal is to ensure that they grow up safe and to be self sufficient and compassionate adults that contribute to our society. Not successful doctors or CEOs. 

What is the biggest/loudest message you want other mothers to take away from your story/message?

Every single one of us has something to contribute in our own unique way. If you have a goal or a dream, it is 100% possible to achieve it. Anyone that doesn’t believe in you isn’t part of your tribe. 

As we are coming into the holiday season, and life gets even busier, do you have any self care practices you follow? If so can you share them with us?

Drink a smoothie a day!!! Make sure it has protein, fiber, fat & greens. Limit the fruit to ½ cup!

How can MOMSQUAD CLOTHING continue to support you during this journey of motherhood?

By providing us with real but stylish options that fit our lifestyle. Clothes that we feel good in and look good in!

January 01, 2021 — Rezaur Rahman

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